Sunday, June 24, 2012

Journey's End: St. Marys

Jacksonville Beach was our last stop before St. Marys, Georgia. On gaining the St. John's River we decided to enter the Atlantic once again, as a south wind was predicted. But lo, once again the weatherman was wrong, so we mostly motored the last leg north. At about 1700 (5 p,m.) we docked at Lang's Marina, St. Marys, and that night we celebrated Jeff's 40th birthday to the accompaniment of a huge lightening and rain storm. One bolt even landed near us in the bay!

The following late morning we made our way up the North River to the St. Marys Boat Service to coincide with a noon high tide, and turned the boat over to a giant hoist, which carried Lily Rose to her new home on dry land.

Three days later, after preparing Lily Rose for her summer stay by removing her sails, cleaning her, and installing a humidifier to prevent mildew, we bid adieu. A few days later Tropical Storm Beryl stormed through with 65 mph winds, but no harm came to the boats in this yard. We chose well.

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