Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Long Night

The sunset was the best part of this leg of the trip.
Francie cooked an especially fine dinner, but as we put away the dishes the wind started picking up, and picking up. We had the first watch, from 2000 to 2300. By then we were pounding into six-foot seas and up to 40-knot winds. I went below to sleep, and almost immediately became violently sea sick. There went the dinner and my pride! I then collapsed on the starboard couch, not to rise again until morning. 

What happened that night comes from the others. All but me stayed in the cockpit. Grady wanted to sail and alter course farther to the west. The boat weathered the 40 knots but life in the cockpit was
reportedly very uncomfortable. All but Francie and Bob got sick. Finally Bennie took charge, ordered the sails down, set the course back to due south, and motored on. By dawn the weather had calmed down and we arrived at Key West about 1300 (1 p.m.) and docked at the Conch Harbor Marina. We all wandered around town but had no energy for partying that night!

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